Kamis, 21 Januari 2010

he is ...

now I want a story about people who I've liked for 1 year ...
you, I want you to know this was a long time I've really likes you!
you, I want you thinkers about me feeling that you have been considered only by the wind!
you, I ask you try to feel what it feels like the same people who never think you have
you, I do not know why I can love with you even though it was just a dream to be close to you
you, you are never going to know about me? not!
you, you are familiar with me? do not you even pretend to not know as I
you, like the same sick people loh for 1 year but was never considered a
you, I want you to know this was I really wanted to be close to you even though only a mere sister for you: (

sekarang aku mau cerita tentang orang yang udahaku suka selama 1 tahun ...
kamu , aku mau kamu tau kalo aku udah lamaaaaa banget suka sama kamu!
kamu , aku mau kamu mikir tentang perasaan aku yang slama ini kamu cuekkin!
kamu , aku minta coba lo ngerasain apa rasanya suka sama orang yang gakpernah anggep lo ada
kamu , aku gatau kenapa aku bisa suka sama kamu walaupun itu hanya sebuah mimpi untuk bisa dekat sama kamu
kamu , kamu emang pernah mau tau tentang aku? nggak!
kamu , kamu emang kenal sama aku? nggak, kamu malah pura-pura gak kenal sama aku
kamu , sakit loh suka sama orang selama 1 tahun tapi gakpernah di anggap ada
kamu , aku mau kamu tau kalo aku pengen banget dekat sama kamu walupun cuman jadi sekedar adek bagi kamu :(

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